We like to think of the internet as an infinite landscape of information which is, for the most part, fairly accurate. The driving force behind the constant expansion of the web as we know it is content generated by its users and the largest indexing system our planet has ever seen making sense of it. Whether it’s uploading a video to YouTube, posting on Facebook, or writing and publishing a blog like the one you’re reading now, it is the content creators that make the the internet what it is and what it will be in the future. At Web Force KC, we write accessible, functional content for our clients that is designed to capture a portion of online searches for specific keywords in specific geographic locations.
Local SEO and Web Design Company in Kansas City, MO
In the broad scope of things, there are over 80,000 searches on Google per second on average which is astounding to consider but as a marketing company, we tend to focus more on the searches that concern our clients and more specifically for what they do and where they do it. Just as there is a finite number of Google searches per second, there is also a finite amount of searches for a specific service or product per second, per day, per month, and per year and when the focus is specifically on a certain geographic area, the numbers begin to quickly shrink and become more manageable. Whatever the number of searches is for your industry (or more accurately for what your business does or sells), the sum of the searches represent an uncut pie with pieces being distributed to businesses (your competitors) that show up prominently for that specific search in a specific area. Sound confusing? Think about this example: in the spring months in the Kansas City area, it’s not uncommon to see hundreds if not thousands of searches per day for lawn care, lawn and landscaping, or other services that homeowners are looking for to spruce up their yards. Because Web Force KC works with a local lawn and landscape company in the Kansas City area, we position their website as high as possible on the search engines for the keywords that we know will be searched for and in the locations that we want to be visible in. When successful, the fact is that some business’ websites will be dropped down in rankings on the search engines and become less visible as yours rises.

That is how you take your piece of the pie (well, it’s not quite that simple but hopefully you get the point.) By creating rich, relevant content on various online mediums, we increase our clients’ visibility on the web to capture more and more of the pie over time. Unfortunately this isn’t something that happens overnight and it takes an enormous amount of work, consistency, and collaboration to make it happen. In fact we plan for months ahead on how, where, and what we want to be positioned for with all of our clients year round. The point is that there are only going to be a certain number of searches locally for lawn care services or for whatever it is that you do or sell and by making certain that our clients’ websites are visible, accessible, and make sense to potential customers that visit them, we take a good piece of the pie and make those searches become productive and profitable to a business. Positioning your business’ website for visibility will no doubt help add new customers that are searching for what you do or what you sell but ultimately you and your staff are responsible for converting them into actual revenue. Web Force KC helps small businesses put themselves, and more specifically their online presence, into the spotlight locally on search engines where their potential customers are already looking. Our content marketing strategy has proven time and time again to be successful at generating new business and helping our clients grow.